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Electromagnetic effect, Electromagnetic irritability - Headache, Arthritis, Fatigue, Skin

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, abbreviated as EHS, is a lot of people who suffer from these symptoms. (Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, susceptibility, allege)

If you search on Google .... The following image will be searched. (When searching on March 11, 2017 in Korea)

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity in Wikipedia is listed below.(March 11, 2017),

Inquiries related to electromagnetic sensitivity show this distribution.
1. High Frequency (Communication Relay)> Low Frequency (Home Appliances)
2. Female> Male
3. All Age range
 The biggest cause is the mobile phone electromagnetic communication repeater
Symptoms of major electronic epiphenomena caused by electromagnetic waves include many symptoms related to blood circulation such as headache> pain in joints> insomnia> helplessness> skin trouble> dizziness> poor circulation.
Original study in German: ASCHERMANN C (2011) Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 24(2): 141-146--Citation / Examples of skin diseases caused by electromagnetic waves -Electrosensitivity: A Patient with Burn-like Skin Manifestations
Mostly, we are clearing the cause of electromagnetic waves (curtain or film construction, electromagnetic wave interception, using clothes or bedding, using ashing therapy, avoiding electromagnetic waves).

Shield Green responds to increasing electromagnetic effects and electromagnetic susceptibility symptoms by sharing information through continuous research and domestic direct research.
Below is a video of the case of the case of the electromagnetic sensitivity overseas case reported on December 6, 2014 in KBS.


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