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Electromagnetic waves broadcasting participation - Yonhap News TV

It receives collection of data request of Yonhap News TV that electromagnetic waves cutting/Eosing specialty company (Chief director Seohandong), took part in televising program of channel 23 times in July 24, 2016. (Title : [first-hand field IN] life space electromagnetic waves 'open' exposure … acceptable level Chinese 100 times)
Intro screen : (YOUTUBE data quotation)

Is reporting electromagnetic waves exposure standard, advice standard of our country and the foreign country that become basis of electromagnetic waves interception.

Handong SEO, chief director of electromagnetic waves interdiction/earthing professional company shieldgreen that point out problem in front of communication relay tower that overrun but is shieldlessly to playground.

This playground is serious area that removes immediately for child's safety or need move.

Home which have 10 communication repeater bays in 5 M close at hands and is suffering discomfort once open area, window that duplex is massed.
- They are defending electromagnetic waves exposure of children by shieldgreen electromagnetic waves interception curtain.
-Mother is talking frequently hard fact with ward office, communication repeater establishment company.

Report problem of electromagnetic waves exposure standard to signpost simply.

Electromagnetic waves interception standard : Italy, China, Russia, Austria standard is 1/100 of Korean standard, Europe common people standard is 0.0001% of Korean standard of warning standard.

An electromagnetic waves interception standard table of many European countries
Scientific technique develops by higher level than Korea, and electromagnetic waves interception standard is Korean 1/100 degree the Russia that continue study about electromagnetic waves from sphere Soviet Union seasons.
German private organization's 2015 announcement standard which is forming sympathy by standard of electromagnetic waves interception - BUILDING BIOLOGY EVALUATION GUIDELINES-SBB-TestingMethods.

It was reported at Yonhap News TV through black, and Lee Ki-jun make standard, and make by electromagnetic waves interception standard people of advanced nation such as Europe, United States, Canada, Australia as well as Germany and companies.

Distances that is revealed without guidance or way for electromagnetic waves cutout without individual's choice for electromagnetic waves exposure on the street that do everyday life
-The Britain insists that electromagnetic waves warning message such as smoking warning message must come compulsorily to cellular phone.
-Professor interview image with Dankook University college of medicine preventive medicine is expert about electromagnetic waves human body effect

WHO (World Health Organization) is guiding that can compare electromagnetic waves interception exposure standard with standard and common people standard of every country.

Yonhap News TV vedio clip notice

EMF/RF shielding,Earthing solution


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