Electromagnetic waves are generated more often when electricity is used. When the switch is not turned on to the multi-outlet and the electromagnetic wave suddenly increases after turning on the switch On the left switch off: 178 V / m, the right switch on: 1,182 V / m increases the electric field nearly 6.6 times. Shield-green electromagnetic shielding blanket drops to 10V / m. When connecting the acoustic holder, the value drops to 2V / m. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation may cause harm to the human body. Two steps to ensure electromagnetic interference ! ShieldGreen's EMF shielding blanket removes raised human body potential due to electromagnetic waves as well as electromagnetic wave shielding simply by attaching an earthing holder or an earthing clip. 1. ShieldGreen earthing therapy to reliably eliminate human potential (voltage) due to electromagnetic waves! 2. All ShieldGreen products (pads, quilts,...